Bonus - The Black Cat (1934)

So you saw Night of the Living Dead when you were 8, you brag to all your high school buddies about how your parents let you watch Martyrs, but trust me you aren't ready for this. Gnarly onscreen violence is one thing, but violent architecture? There's only one classic horror film that can make art deco scary: The Black Cat.

Lugosi and Karloff together, now you know you in trouble. Ain't nothin but Ulmer thing baby, two horror star legends so it's crazy. Released a mere month and a half before they started enforcing the Hayes Code, this deep dive in sadism, necrophilia, torture, Satanism and sexual assault is every bad taste horror idea you can think of rolled into one very classy old-dark-but-actually-extremely-clean-and-well-lit-house horror movie. Let's get into it!

0:00 - 2:23 - Intro

2:24 - 1:12:00 - Commentary


Bonus - Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning (1985) w/ Gabe Powers of Genre Grinder


Bonus - Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)