Bonus - The House of the Devil (2009) w/ Jim of Voices and Visions

If the quintessential quarantine experience is walking around your house bored doing nothing as you wait for the pizza you ordered to arrive, than The House of the Devil is the quintessential quarantine movie. Alternately thought of as brilliant and a total waste of time, Ti West's divisive modern classic may not have a quick pace but will it quicken your pulse?

To find out we got Jim and Patrick to take a look and debate it's relative merits as horror and as art, time capsule and post-modern riff, homage and parody. And also complain a lot because THIS MOVIE IS BORING AS SHIT. Or at least, so sayeth Patrick. But Jim forsooth sayeth thy atmosphere et thee pace is interesting.

Or something.

0:00 - 3:40 - 2020 Intro
3:41 - 9:07 - 2017 Intro
9:08 - 1:46:31 - Commentary
1:46:32 - 1:48:05 - 2020 Outro


Bonus - Jason Goes To Hell (1993)


Bonus - Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhtattan (1989) w/ Louisa of Hack the Net